Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week Four

I am so excited! Weigh in this week 171! I lost a pound! I'm even more excited because I don't feel I had to do anything too extreme to lose that pound. Smaller portion sizes, listening to my body and lots of water. I actually only worked out 2-6 days this week. I was sick for 3 and Thursday just ended up being a crazy day. This week I feel all better so I don't see why it won't be 6-6 workout days and can you imagine what I might lose weight wise if I work out more too. So fabulous! I did not have a drop of soda this week. Its getting easier and easier not to even think of it as an option. Also, remember how I said my work has free doughnuts on the weekends I did not have a single one. Thats huge for me. I love doughnuts. So glad I didn't it probably would have cost me my pound. But I'm ok I just looked at them and thought about their amazing sugary wonderfulness and salivated a little and then I was fine. Really it wasn't that bad though.
Also, there is a PT test on Wednesday. My squad leader wants me to take it so we know where I'm at. I know I can pass pushups and situps its just the run. In my mind I see me passing I just need to push hard and dig deep. My dad is also going to come pace me because he is awesome! I'm hoping that will help and I'm going to take some energy gels to give me a boost and where my nose strip. Make fun all you want of the nasal strip but I breathe so much better when I run with it. If everyone could cross your fingers, say a prayer, or send me your mad fast running skills that would be appreciated. Oh and its supposed to be 6 degrees ... 6 degrees and the test is at Liberty Park. I'm going to freeze my tush off.
Little fun fact about what a "real" pushup is...there is this thing called the "plank" which is where your elbows are basically you would draw a line from one elbow to the other. You don't go to the plank you go further down than the plank. Difficult? Yes. You can't go to your knees either or else its over.

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