Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tips from this week

I'm just loving this whole blogging about my unsuccessful so far but fun and educational weight loss experience so I decided to give a little mid week tips.
Tips from this week:
Get enough sleep. Usually 6-8 hour for adults. I've read a lot of places and especially for weight loss if your not sleeping its difficult to lose the weight. Also, if your sick the more sleep you can get the better so your body can recover and you can get better quick!
Get organized make a daily schedule to reduce stress. I set aside time each day to study and do homework that way I wasn't stressed about it the last day and eating crazy because I was stressed.
Cut down on fruit juices even orange juice even when sick. More calories than they are nutritional. Eat an orange and just drink tons of water.
Plan meals ahead of time. I need to be better at this one especially on Thursdays. We have class from 1045-1205 and then ROTC lab from 1235-320. I always think we'll just eat after when we get home at like 4 but that is skipping a meal and I'm hypoglycemic so that makes me super onry which is no bueno for Ben. I made a backpack that we keep in the car with fruit snacks and granola bars and then this week I made us turkey sandwiches to eat in between class and lab. Genius!
Listen to your body-If your full, your full. I did really well this week doing this. One night a few hours after dinner everyone was having ice cream and cookies I was still full and still sick so I just said no thanks and didn't have any. It wasn't that hard and I felt better instead of that gross eating too much feeling.
Green salads. Enough said. You should try and have one I would say 5 times a week. Packed with veggies and preferrably a vinaigratte or Lite dressing.
Cut things out that you don't love. I questioned and thought about this thought this week and one of the nights we were having hamburgers and a green salad. I had already had quite a bit of bread that day and I hate it when my bun gets soggy so I thought why not have it without the bun? I still had all the fixings just no bun and it was delicious and I cut down on calories.
I haven't always been a huge fan of the food pyramid but thanks to my nutrition class I was introduced to the new food pyramid and its not bad. Go and click on Mypyramid plan. Very interesting and helpful.

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