Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Breakfast Tips

As you all may or may not know breakfast is extremely important in having a healthy lifestyle and losing weight. It not only starts your metabolism for the day but gives you energy. Many people don't eat breakfast. Lucky me I've never had this problem. I always have to eat breakfast even if it's just a piece of toast or something my sugar gets way too low especially when I exercise in the morning. In my nutrition class we talked about how eating breakfast is important and some people (believe it or not) don't like breakfast foods and thats OK you don't have to eat breakfast foods for breakfast you can eat whatever you want. The healthiest breakfasts for you  consist of three key things: 
1- Include at least 1 serving of fruits and /or veggies. Why? Increase your intake of healthful antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
2- Include at least 1 serving of whole grains. Why? Necessary source of brain and muscle fuel and result in a greater feeling of fullness and more nutrition for the amount of calories.
3- Include a source of lean protein- Why? Helps slow digestion for sustained energy and steady blood sugar. Also important for the maintenance of lean muscle.

Here are some great quick combos to try with a glass of 1% or skim milk or orange juice:

Whole-wheat toast with peanut butter and half a grapefruit

Plain low-fat yogurt with fresh raspberries or blueberries with whole grain cereal or granola

Multi-grain waffle topped with banana slices and hard boiled egg on the side

Bran muffin with almond butter and apple slices or grapes

Instant oatmeal topped with a sprinkle of brown sugar and walnut halves and half a cup of strawberries

Whole wheat English muffin with low-fat cottage cheese and one-quarter cantaloupe

Sliced turkey breast wand one slice of low-fat cheese on a whole-wheat tortilla and fresh pineapple slices

My goal for this week is to make sure I am including all three items in my breakfast meals.

(Don't look for me on twitter I have an account but I never go on and have never updated my status)

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