Monday, July 15, 2013

Weight Loss Week 7

I ended up not doing that 7 day cleanse/diet thing. I only made it half way through Monday and I knew it wasn't going to happen. One: I was hungry and ornery.(Don't know if I've mentioned it before but I am hypoglycemic so I have to be really careful about when and what I eat) Two: I didn't feel like I was getting the nutrients to be able to exercise and its important for me to be able to exercise. Three: I didn't want to gain the weight back once off my diet because I had deprived myself for a week. Four: My goal is not to be skinny. I want to feel good, look fit not food deprived. 

I had a really successful week. I'm going to go into as much detail as I can about some of the things I think really helped it be successful. I read a lot of weight loss blogs and I love when they go into detail.

***I'm putting a disclaimer here just in case.. I am in no way a dietitian or a doctor. I just blog about my experience in hopes that it will keep me accountable and help people with ideas of how to help them get fit as well***

Here is a list I've put together of some changes/things I've done this week:
  • I changed to skim milk. Now I know there are some of you out there who are very passionate about your milk but I am not one of those people so do what you can.
  • I faithfully took my daily vitamin and B12. I don't know how much this contributed but it was something I did differently than other weeks so it's on the list. I hate swallowing pills. Hate it! Especially  the huge horse pill ones. So I get the adult gummy vitamins.
  • I used myfitnesspal faithfully. It is free to use and you can also add friends that you can see their progress and you can encourage them they can encourage you. You track your exercise and calorie intake.
  • Protein,Protein,Protein! I tried to have around 10 grams of protein each morning as part of my breakfast. Greek yogurt is what really worked well for me. When I looked back on myfitnesspal record I had an average of 50 grams of protein a day. 
  • I worked out 4 days! 3 out of the 4 I did strength training and only one of the days I did cardio (I did my first step class and it kicked my ever loving butt!) I love love love strength training. I've been doing a bodypump class at golds gym. It's absolutely amazing! 
  • Cut out soda pop completely! No diet sodas nothin! I drank at least 8 glasses of water a day I used a lot of crystal light and usually an energy crystal light in the morning. Other than that I just drank some milk and Friday night I treated myself to a glass of real lemonade.
  • I didn't try and eat too many "diet" foods. I looked at the nutrition facts and the serving sizes on what I was eating. 
  • I added in lots of veggies. I tried to have some sort of salad for lunch. I used romaine lettuce as my base and a fat free dressing and then some sort of protein like chicken because just the salad was not enough to keep me full. 
  • I weighed myself every other day. I don't know how much this helped my success but it helped keep me on track to know if I needed to change something up or keep doing something that was working.
  • Snacking and not starving myself. If I could tell it had been a few hours since I ate or I was feeling hungry I grabbed a snack. Some days I even grabbed a Snickers bar or something. I made sure to always log it though. Also, each time choosing my snack I would check calories and protein and decide if it was worth it or if I wanted to try and find another option.

Days I worked out this week: 4 days
Pounds lost: 4 lbs. Oh yes that's right! I'm trying not to get my hopes up but I'm really proud of that number! Want to know what I'm just as happy about. I had a few people compliment me without knowing I was working out and such, that I looked fit and looked like I had lost weight. That was huge for me and I really needed that boost.

Best thing about this week I didn't feel deprived! I had mac n' cheese, ice cream etc. I just made sure to keep track of everything and the serving sizes.

-My user name on myfitnesspal is Lweber27 if any of you want to add me the more the bettter :D-

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