Monday, April 15, 2013

And We're back...

Thanks for letting me have my pouty post. I'm feeling much better today. I had today off of work which was a genius idea on my part if I do say so my self. I spent my day 1:studying for my biology test that I took this evening 2: taking a much needed nap 3: spring cleaning our bedroom. I feel refreshed and motivated and ready to take on the new week. I'm also trying something new this week starting tomorrow I've written in my planner an exact schedule from the time I get home from work. I'm hoping it will help me get more done and actually set aside time for school. We only have about 4 weeks left of school this semester. I'm still pretty worried about my Chemistry class so if you could all pray/cross your fingers/send out good vibes for me and also any studying tips would be greatly appreciated. I am also planning on working out at least 4 days this week 1 hour each day. I have been going to the gym at night to different classes and I really enjoy it and its very inexpensive I think ($18 for an unlimited month pass) I really had my best weight loss/getting healthy success when I blogged about it so I should probably start doing that again. I found this awesome thing on Pinterest that I am going to try with my lunches this week.

Oh yeah and we bought a new laptop. Dare I say how many we have in our home....Ok fine we have 5. Yeah 5. Don't get me started. But yes we bought a new one because out of the 5 one Saturday night not one of them was fully functioning and we got extremely frustrated and the laptop we had just got the screen fixed on completely stopped working so we went to Best Buy. Ended up getting a really good deal on a Macbook Pro that someone took home for a week and then decided they didn't want it. It didn't look like it had even been opened. Then a few days later the other laptop starting working again. So we have 2 fully functioning laptops. Awesome! Oh so crazy. 

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