Monday, May 21, 2012

I might be going crazy...

All weekend I had anxiety about going back to work today. What was going to happen? What was it going to be like. At 630am right after Ben left for week I started making calls and sending emails to see what today would entail for me.  Around 830am I received a call from Workforce Management they do all of our schedules and things like that. They said to just come in today plan on working my normal schedule and they will get everything else straightened out. I went in at 1130am my regular schedule would have started at noon. I went in and talked to workforce to figure out my login, seat assignment, breaks and lunches and so on. As I'm walking out my manager who I had when I was in the call center said that his manager wanted to speak to us. So we went in his office and he told me I had been terminated and would need to reapply if I wanted to work in the call center. They took my badge and headset and I drove home. What the crap? Am I missing something? So ANGRY right now. Do I want to reapply? Are the benefits really worth it. This is so frusterating.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is so so frustrating! I am so sorry! I hope it all works out soon and you find a job where you can be happy.
