Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter ,Grandma Smith's B-day, Garden Time

I believe I wrote in an earlier post that I was celebrating lent. Some people choose to argue that because I'm a "Mormon" that it is pointless to celebrate lent. I choose to disagree. For lent I chose to give up Facebook. I don't think I was necessarily addicted but I definitely spent a lot of time on it when I could have been doing other things. The whole point of lent is to get your prepared spiritually for Easter which is remembering the Atonement and Christs resurrections. Lent is type of fast normally recognized by Catholics.  The point that I am trying to make is that just because I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does not mean that I don't believe some if not all of what other churches believe so why can't I celebrate lent and prepare myself spiritually for Easter. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and he loves each and every one of us and that he died for us and was resurrected so we could live again. I don't like posting this type of stuff often not because I'm ashamed but because I don't want anyone to be offended. I feel I'm very open minded and I have many friends with a wide variety of beliefs and I never want them to think that I don't respect that. This is who I am. I'm a Mormon and I celebrate lent. Happy Easter everyone! I hope everyone had a great day however you celebrate it.

It was not only Easter it was Grandma Smith's birthday!
 Grandma Smith is my (Lindsey's) mom mom's. She is amazing! I have so many great memories with and of her I wish I would have kept better record. I remember camping and fishing with Grandma and Grandpa. I always remember Grandma always have fun ideas and laughing. Sometimes when Grandpa would say something crazy she would make her hand into a gun and pretend shoot herself in the head. If it was really crazy it would be a two gun shot LOL! Grandma is also a really good gardner. She always had different plants and flowers. My older brothers, my little sister and I are their only grandchildren. We have always lived really close to them. Sometimes when we would spend the night over and their house and watch jazz games grandma would make sure we had some sort of treat. When the opposite team was trying to make a shot she would hold her hand up and pretend to cover the hoop in hopes they wouldn't make the shot. If the game became to close she would actually leave and go in the other room. Grandma has Alzheimer's and has had it for few years so things have been a little different lately however, she definetly still has her spunk and doesn't take any crap from Grandpa! Today for her birthday my parents are in the Bahama's having a grand ol' time so we (Me, Ben, Morgan, Spencer and Aki) went over to their house to celebrate. I made some chicken with cream sauce and a strawberry lemonade cake. Want the recipes? Here's a link to my cooking blog :)

On Saturday, Ben and I started our garden! We are so excited to have a lawn this year and a huge field that we share with his parents. We have so much space it's wonderful. We also share some different fruit trees with his parents which is super exciting as well! I made apple pies last Thanksgiving with apples from the trees. Here is a pic of our starter garden. We planted some different herbs, summer squash, pumpkin, watermelon, carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes. We are going to start another one this weekend with some different plants.

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