Thursday, April 26, 2012

Court Date

It was the big day today. The day that I have been nervous and sometimes unable to sleep because of. My letter told me to be there at 1:30pm. I went to the District Attorneys office and waited to speak with my attorney. While waiting to speak with him he was talking to a lady sitting close by. We (My dad, Ben, and I) heard her saying her soon to be ex which she has a restraining order against because he was abusive keeps driving past her house and she is in fear of her and her kids' life. Then the attorney comes over and asks me if I have any questions and tells us he will meet us over at the court house. So we go over to the court house and meet Ben's mom there and lo and behold who's sitting there on the bench Mr. Krazy who hit me. Also, we find out the lady who is in fear of her life is Mr. Krazy's soon to be ex wife! INSANE!!! We head into the courtroom to wait for our case and it was pretty interesting because we were able to watch 2 other court cases. My attorney comes over to me and asks to speak to me. He takes me into another room and asks me if Mr. Krazy's injuries when I was taking care of him were life threatening. I said I wasn't sure but I didn't think so. Then he asks me what would have happened if he would have pulled his IV's out that day. Then we go into the courtroom. I forgot to mention this was all for a preliminary hearing. Anyways, so first they get to the ex-wifes case and somehow the decide without her even testifying to push out the hearing until June? I kind of got lost so I'm not exactly sure how that happened. Then they get to my case and they start talking all this legal junk and next thing I know they are saying they think it can be settled without the hearing and the judge says "Have you asked the witness (ME!)" if this is ok?" My attorney says no and they judge hesitates and then approves it. So then the attorney comes over to talk to me and says that the charges I pressed were for a Class A Misdeamor but because Mr. Krazy was possibly not in an "Emergency Situation" and his life was not threatened that it's probably just a Class B misdeamor which obviously isn't as severe. I was honestly upset about this decision for a few reasons... 1) Mr. Krazy has now bought himself another 30 some odd days to do whatever he wants/can to his poor ex-wife. 2) IHC has not backed me up at all with any of this. 3) It has affected my life in more ways than one and I was just doing my job that day.

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