Sunday, November 15, 2009

Season for an Attitude of Gratitude

Ben's motorcycle was stolen on Thursday night. He went to walk me out to my car to go to work and we realized it was gone ... we began to FREAK OUT! This was really just one more thing that we did not need to happen right now. We had no idea what was going to happen with the insurance and such. I immediately called my mom (at 530 in the morning) and told her what had happened. She told me that what usually happens is they have 30 days to find it and then the insurance pays us for what the bike was worth. Ben later got in touch with the insurance company and they confirmed this. I can't tell you how in so many ways this was such a blessing. There are so many things that we will be able to do with that money! The one thing thats not so great about all this is that we feel a little violated and I just can't believe how stupid people can be. They scratched up my car when they stole it. Little did they know that this was a huge blessing.
Want to hear the crazy part...? We have the bike almost paid off and once it was paid off we were going to have the insurance canceled on it... we have been so close to paying it off and it just hasn't worked out. The bike has been such a burden to us lately we couldn't figure out what to do with it and now ... ITS GONE!Coincidence? I don't think so. This has definitely taught us to look for the good in situations because you just never know how much of a blessing it might be.

1 comment:

  1. LOL. I cant believe someone stole your bike. Maybe they will steal my car??? that would be awesome. (same reasons) hahaha. Im glad it worked out!
