Monday, January 2, 2012

Here I am...

Hey it's me Lindsey. So remember last year how I was doing that whole weight loss thing and I was doing so well and I had lost 10lbs? Well I really fell off the wagon sometime after the 10lb mark and now I'm back to square 1 or even worse square negative 10. I've gained that weight back plus some. I'm super embarrassed and ashamed and don't know why I let it happen. I'm also not one to let out all my thoughts and feelings on the internet but I need support and I need to be held accountable. I don't consider myself terrible unhealthy I ran a half marathon just a few months ago but I want to do more I know I'm capable of more and I don't want my weight or my health to hold me back EVER! I can do this this time. It's going to be life change. I'm going to finish this and it's going to be great. Not quite sure what my winning plan is as of now besides trying to eat healthier and a ton of exercise! So here I am admitting I didn't follow through last time and ready to do it better this time around. Also, I'm open to help suggestions anything.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linds... You are amazing and hardworking and always so busy. Our attention is placed on different things at different times. And sometimes our plates are too full and we can't help but to put some things on the backburner. You had a busy year and you did tons. I like your last post when you reviewed the year. Stick with that positive attitude!!! You're beautiful just the way you are! I love you!
