This has got to be the most randomest blog that I have ever done...
There is one treadmill in our apartment gym and two ellipticals and they are all taken at 1 in the afternoon. I don't understand. I already get upset when someones on the treadmill anytime from 12-1 because thats when I watch Gilmore Girls while I'm running. Today I went down later because I did the ab ripper first...not trying to brag here its not like I did amazing with the ab ripper and I did all the reps or something... no I did not :) Oh and I am supposed to run 9 miles this weekend for the half marathon training so I HAVE to run today!
Thats ok though it gives me some time to blog while I'm waiting... yes I'm waiting until 2 and hopefully someone will be off the treadmill. Its better than that time on a Friday night when I went down there to run and there were a whole bunch of people having pretty much a party in the gym. I put in my headphones and just start running and they come in with chairs and beer and sit down in front of the TV and start watching sports... ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I had to run that night though so I sucked it up and as soon as I was done I didn't even cool down I just shut off the treadmill and walked out. Seriously people c'mon.
Ben and I don't know if its us or people lately but it just seems like people are nuts! Not in a good way. The other day we were doing self checkout at the store we were trying to purchase one item that was in box with a bar code. The scanner was not reading the bar code so then it wanted us to type in the #'s on the bar code, meanwhile there is a girl breathing down our neck and tapping her foot! Go to another eisle geez! She is so lucky I didn't slap her! My heck! As my mom would say bless her heart, "Linds, maybe her dad has cancer, her son is in a wheelchair and someone stole her wallet you don't know whats going on in her life." My mom is too cute. But, thats not what I thought I thought I want to maybe slap her she's probably all talk. I'm not usually a violent person but lately I've been thinking some people need a good something something once in a while.
Don't even get me started about driving! I have become kinda an agressive driver I guess and I'm working on it but when I'm in the slow lane and you are tail gating me there is no better way to really tick me off! Yes I admit I've even slammed on my breaks a few times to these people(don't worry I don't do it anymore I got in trouble with Ben and my mom,dad,Jason,and Karlie) Who am I to judge though... sigh... this has got to be the craziest thing I have ever done on the internet... yes this blog that I'm writing write now.
Oh and one more thing... we pay $10 every month for a parking spot at our apartments. Its the last one on the row and theres a spot next to it that has a sign that reads"NO PARKING UNLOADING ONLY". So apparently because people can't park there they park in our spot. Not just even a half and half sometimes they full park in our parking spot. We've complained many times to the management they gave us the tow truck companies number which we keep in the car. One of the tow truck guys told us that if their in the "No Parking" Spot an no one is in the car that we can call them to be towed. The other day I get home from work and I am in a rush because I have to be inside to work at jetBlue in like 5 minutes and there is a truck with a small trailer backed into our parking spot. No joke. My front bumper and their front bumper are like 5 feet away. This guy comes out and opens the door to the truck grabs something and starts walking away so I roll down my window and start saying hey,hey, excuse me! He completely ignores me and keeps walking! I'm not even kidding right now! So I call the tow truck company they tell me they have to verify what I've told them? Fifteen minutes later I get a call from them they say "We've verified that there is someone parked in that stall. What kinda of car do you drive?" I tell them. " Ok we just wanted to be sure it wasn't your car. We'll send someone out right now to tow it." What??? I have nothing to say to that ... wow...oh wow. That was nice of them to make sure I didn't call the tow truck company to have my own car towed out of my own parking space... HELLO PEOPLE GEEZ!
Oh ya! Ben and I went snowmobiling with my family a few weekends ago and last weekend we went to Vegas... still need to blog about all that. We made a video while we were in Vegas of our adventures so I need to wait until we get that edited and then I can post about our trip :)
Ben needs to get on here too and talk about how his new job is going he has some very interesting people he works with. Very interesting.
I have been in a really wierd mood lately so I hope this blog doesn't make anyone think bad of me. For those of you who know me well this is just me being me. And no I don't hate the world in fact I'm in a really good mood today and loving the sun that is shining and that Ben is going to be home in 1 hour!
I'm going to go see if that person is off the treadmill now.