I really really really hate thinking of blog title posts. Maybe I'll just start going through the dictionary and using the first word that I open to on a page...blah!
Anywhoo...I don't think I should blog when I'm in these weird moods but eh...what can ya do?
So first off I think I mentioned last post (or maybe not) that Ben and I signed up to do a run Thanksgiving morning. Ben is doing a 10K (6.2) miles and I'm doing a 5K(3.1) miles. I've never trained for a 5K I just kind of show up do it and then get frustrated with how out of shape I am! HA! Not this time. I found a Couch to 5K running plan printed it out and hung it on the fridge. The first week I think I only ran once but I've been doing better. Last week I ran 3 times. This week I've ran once so far. I can't believe what my body is capable of! I love pushing myself it feels great! This week I'm on the run 6 walk 2 phase. By Thanksgiving week I should have worked up to running (not jalking jog/walking) for 30 min straight. I would really like to finish in 35 minutes or less so we will see.
Since Sunday I have felt like I have something stuck in my throat. It made me gag and everything. Its gotten worse and worse and is really bad when I lay down at night. My throat is not sore at all. I still have my tonsils. After trying to self diagnose myself on the internet (I know I know) I finally gave up and went to the Doctor today. I really don't like going to the doctor. I miss this lady I used to go back to in Utah. She was like an alternative medicine doctor but her office was so calming and she never rushed you. Also the midwives that I went to for my anxiety meds were great too. They always took time and actually listened. Every other doctor its like badda bing badda boom here's an RX. OK off my tangent. Went to the doc she felt my throat asked questions looked down it with a light just like normal. Had my thyroid and CBC tested (came back normal) and I'm going in for a swallow test tomorrow. Basically they give me things to eat and swallow do an x-ray while they film it. Hopefully we can get it figured out soon because I am going crazy!
Ben has found an interest in remote control planes. We splurged and bought him a whole set up a few weeks ago and it finally arrived yesterday. He has basically been working on it non stop when he's home. I get to be the co-pilot! I'm super excited! As soon as he gets some things figured out on it we are going to head out and fly it. Its a pretty big plane the wing span is about 4 4.5 feet. It has this really awesome remote control too and you can hook it up to the computer and all that good stuff.
And last but not least a little tangent of something that made me frustrated today. I'm not going to go into details just in case but basically I was asked to go to a planning meeting today. Well I take an hour out of my day to go this meeting where we were asked to bring ideas and such...silly me... somehow its already planned??? Annoying! Like c'mon really?
Ok thats it.
Well no its not. The other day Ben and I wanted to go shooting so we first drove around to see if we could find a place before hand. About 20 minutes away from our house we found an awesome shooting range with a gorgeous lake nearby. So fun! We are really loving ND!