Hope that song is stuck in your head now :D So I probably shouldn't post this on my blog because who knows who can get on the internet and stalk the things I post about but whatev. Ben has been working graves the past week and he's working them again this week. His work is rotating everyone because they don't have an actual grave shift person. This situation makes me more on edge than normal partially because I think I have separation anxiety and I watch way too many CSI type shows so me sleeping home alone at night does not mean I actually get a ton of sleep. We do have Duke though which is nice except I think he would come and hide under the bed if someone broke in but I pretend that he will protect me. I'm rambling here but it's been one of those days. I tell myself everyday to be grateful though that at least I get to see Ben and at least he has a job ya know trying to be all positive. Anywhoo...they gave him last night off which kinda sucks because I have to go to work on Monday so it didn't really give us a lot of time together. This morning I woke up late and I put on my dress which I thought was a skirt when I bought it by the way and put on my sandals realizing I had Chem lab after work no sandals allowed so put on my boots that have wholes in them because I'm very picky when I buy new clothing items and it has to be exactly what I was thinking in my head so I don't have new boots yet. Anyways wearing boots it's 80 degrees outside. Don't get any breakfast packed luckily I have a box full of granola bars at work. At work I had to deal with 2 crazy customers/patients who don't really understand how bills work. That's actually a lot for one day. Most patients are very nice and get why they need to pay and just pay it. Anyways, Monday's are stressful because I get done with work around 515pm and I have chem lab at 530pm. My teacher is really cool and doesn't mind me being late but I don't like it. Plus I didn't have time to pick up my goggles and I was freaking out that I wouldn't be allowed to do the lab but she had extras. Well, after I pick up my goggles from the bin this girl in my class is like "oh crap are we supposed to have goggles" and this girl in my group looks at her and says "gosh don't you listen jeez. uh yeah you have to buy your own goggles." Oh wow someone took their biz natch pills this morning. Then we are talking about nursing and our jobs and the one girls says she works with IHC in the pathology lab and the other girl (the rude one) says she's a CNA with St. Marks. They ask me what I do and I say billing office for IHC. Rude girl says well don't you have any nursing experience and I say yeah I did the CNA for a while but I'm happy with this job I get paid more and I don't have to deal with crazy patients. Rude girl says "well then maybe you shouldn't be a nurse." And I'm thinking maybe she should shut her trap because my sugar is starting to get very low, I'm tired, I miss my husband and Hi I'm sorry do you know anything about me??? Grr...it made me so angry. She's not even like a girl right out of high school either she's like late 20's maybe even early 30's. Then....we start talking about different nursing school programs and apparently she is an expert on them. Oh man... this is my vent. I will not let her get to me. She's Krazy! So excited that today is almost over. And please excuse my grammatical errors in this post they are not my priority :D