Saturday, December 25, 2010

Wrap up of 2010

As we end another year...Holy Chicken!!! Here's a little wrap up of what happened. I did it by month cause I thought that would be super fun...
Baby Ava was born! Our first niece/grandchild on the Parry side.

Valentines Day, Vegas Trip and Snowmobiling

St. Patricks Day??? I can't think of a dang thing...

Salt Lake Half Marathon

No idea...
Oh so many things in June. The first day of June we went for a ruck march with Jason and Mom and it SnOwEd! Also it was our first anniversary and we went on a gorgeous amazing hike with a waterfall and hot pots.

Ben's 24th b-day we went swimming and Ben tried to beat the 1lb burger challenge and Fudrucker, Pucker, Tuckers! (I swear I took a picture of him eating it but cannot find it...grr)
and Baby Josslyn!

I got nothin...Terrible. Oh oh I know we started school and the ROTC program and we went to Bear Lake with our snazzy googles I mean goggles and went lake golfing.
The whole Parry famdamily was here! We went on our crazy but fun cruise to the Bahamas.

I turned 23! Ok here this crazy thing I turned 23 and was born in 87 my grandma turned 87 and was born in 23. It was also momma parry's birthday this month as well so we all celebrated it together. Oh and Halloween but we didn't dress up so moving on..

Happy Thanksgiving! We were going to do the Turkey run but it was beyond freezing.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! And I graduated with my Associates in Applied Science!
Here are a few of my new years resolutions...Ben said he wanted to lose 50lbs (He's kidding he doesn't have anything or he doesn't want to share it as openly as I choose to do)
1- Lose 30lbs at least
2- 3.5 GPA each semester
3- Mini Triathlon
4- My first marathon